Too what?

Too many jumps, high and otherwise too little time, on the wrist and elsewhere too high a risk, for the heart and everything else too low a stretch, for sanity and all with it too long a hold, for that forever and it’s accompaniments too short a fuse, for a lack of answers and all […]


When the yellow is lifted off the bloom, drained away by actions that unmatch words, leaving behind a pale shadow that struggles to understand why even when the answer is as apparent as the brilliance of that bloomed yellowness as tangible as the fading smell of that deserted bloom. Unimportant is not a feeling wished […]


Sometimes sadness knocks you about a wee bit, tears well up and swim about in your eyes, and blink-blinking to push them back doesn’t work like it should. Like it did before. Mourning has never been a comfortable mantle, setting itself about your shoulders, and pushing to settle into your bones as an ache that […]


It’s a story I could not tell before, my tongue tied by a delicate bow of velvet grief So smooth against my heart for the last decade that I hardly noticed the crack in it as much, the bow covering my entire heart, crack and all. That I almost forgot. Reminded only and often by […]


I think this is the end. This is not how I pictured it. In fact, I had never pictured it and, perhaps, this is why my heart is churning in shock, agitated by the rip-out process.   Your silence is killing me, your indifference clear as day, snuffing out the fire you so expertly lit. […]