Kusema na Kutenda

Kusema na kutenda Guiding principles for 2024. But pushing it even further – don’t just talk about it, be about it. It’s easy to speak on different things, serious topics or casual issues but the real work involves following up and doing what you said you would do. I read somewhere or social media’d somewhere […]


Lulu is no more. The compound is very quiet. He hasn’t noticed. The guard and the nanny whisper about her, motioning silence with a finger on their closed mouth Hush. He kicks the football about, But does not notice the lack of barks. Lulu was escorted to beyond some unknown gates And what we have […]


your cuts are delivered so effortlessly, landing with an outstanding precision, unexpected but extremely pointed… aimed right for the jugular, but slicing past the heart twisting upwards and forwards. the cuts are deep, leaving swathes of pain in their wake. you know what you are doing, you know the path and the destination, yet you […]