Public Health Wednesdays: Angelina Jolie, the Breast Cancer Gene and Women’s Bodies.

Public Health Wednesdays: Angelina Jolie, the Breast Cancer Gene and Women’s Bodies. The commodification of breast cancer goes all the way to our genes. Most people are shocked and puzzled to learn that one company, Myriad Genetics, holds a patent on the human BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes—often known as “the breast cancer genes”. How does a […]

Public Health Wednesdays: SARS, is that your cousin?

Public Health Wednesdays: SARS, is that you? New reports indicate that Saudi Arabia has revealed seven new cases of a novel coronavirus, including five deaths — a surprise announcement that is raising transparency concerns and seems to have caught even the World Health Organization off-guard (May 2013). With the recent news of the new and […]

Public Health Wednesdays: Racism as a Public Health Issue.

Since I am such a public health nut, it seems appropriate that I should turn my hump day around by sharing public health tidbits that I have discovered. I thought this was pretty interesting. He covers some great material. I had never really heard of Mr Wise before, but he certainly has my attention.