
Two weekends ago, my little boy hit the one-year mark. I released a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from my forehead, the sweat that accumulated each time I woke up at night to check if he was breathing, each time I placed my hand on my back in the inky blackness of our bedroom […]

Loving Nairobi

I decided to pop into Nairobi for a short visit over the Ethiopian New Year weekend, and I am still in surprise mode. Nairobi has certainly changed; construction on some key roads is completed., there is a lot of urban stretch, and apartment buildings are a dime a dozen. Many businesses are moving from the […]

Musings at 4 AM.

It’s 4 am, and I miss home. Home where I learnt to ride a bike on the trails tucked beneath that dusty hill known as Sang’alo. I miss home. Home where Luthuli fries were a staple after nights of frenzied alcohol-free dancing at hengs in Westie, Langata, Hurlingham or South B. Where the green of […]